Corporate Social Responsibility

Allinton might have only started Community Involvement Programme in the recent years,

but there will be more to come.

One of Allinton’s core values is development and it is something Mr Chin strongly believes in. Development begins from young and Allinton wants to play a part in developing our youths in Singapore, who it believes are the future. Allinton strongly feels that school days are the best time for students to enjoy and explore as much as possible on top of just studying and it is when students learn and grow their most.

With that in mind, Allinton has started CSR with sponsorships to University, specifically to the different sports at NUS, for example – canoeing and basketball. Allinton hopes that this will encourage students to have a balance lifestyle and find interest in playing sports during their leisure time. This way, it will allow students to focus on all aspects of their life to grow as much as possible.        

Do you want to reach out to Allinton for a potential sponsorship for your university?

You can reach out to us at +65-6296 0679 or and we will get back to you shortly!