A needle scaler, also known as a needlegun scaler, is a tool used to complete a range of surface preparation tasks such as the removal of paint and rust, especially off of metalwork. Used across a range of industries such as in mechanical tank cleaning and shipwards, these versatile tools reduce the number of man-hours required to perform various laborious surface preparation tasks. They are also commonly used for DIY projects such as restoring cars, boats and other metal surfaces. Be it in an industrial setting where a heavy weld slag needs to be removed or a delicate surface needs to be cleaned, an air needle scaler is a powerful tool to leverage if the surface you are working on needs cleaning.

Why Use Air Needle Scalers?

Scalers are percussive tools that offer a quick and light blow for surface preparation so that unwanted material is removed efficiently without damaging the surface. Of the variety of scalers, air needle scalers are a great tool when having to deal with irregular surfaces. This is because air needle scalers boast the power to remove weld slag, rust, pain and other forms of wear from hard surfaces. 

Capable of restoring a metal surface to a shiny and smooth surface in mere seconds, this tool which is powered by an air compressor can efficiently strip surfaces faster than manual methods like grinding or sanding. And unlike other heavy-duty construction tools like chippers and jackhammers, air needle scalers are light hitting tools that will not dig or cut into materials. 

The chiselling action performed by the air needle scaler and its long needles also means that reaching hard-to-reach areas will be easy. Moreover, as a light accessory, it will not add additional weight to your air tools, ensuring that it remains comfortable throughout long periods of use.

Shop for Air Needle Scalers on Allinton in Singapore

If you are looking for air needle scalers that are safe, easy, and efficient to use, consider air needle scalers by brands such as Nitoo and Shinto available at Allinton. These air needle scalers come with features such as Jet Chisel needles that ensure safety and versatility in terms of contouring to surfaces automatically. Beyond air needle scalers, we also boast a range of material handling equipment like non-sparking safety tools and die grinders from renowned brands

If you are a part of an industrial or engineering industry, you can shop for a wide range of products at Allinton as well. With years of experience, you can rest assured that our products meet industry standards and offer optimal safety for you and your staff. For any queries related to our products and services, you can send us your enquiry today. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Air Needle Scalers

1. What is an air needle scaler?

An air needle scaler is a percussive tool that helps remove rust or paint from metalwork. They are tools often used for surface preparation, especially in work involving any form of cleaning or the removal of unwanted materials like weld slag. Depending on the needles and how fast and frequently they hit a surface, they are more appropriate for specific tasks like welding flux removal or paint and rust removal.

2. What is an air needle scaler used for?

Used on a range of construction, maritime and even automotive projects, air needle scalers are tools used to clean and prepare surfaces. In the maritime industry, they are heavily used to remove any hardened dirt or rust from large iron ships. They can also be used to remove carbon buildup in engine parts and more with a simple back-and-forth motion.

3. How much air does a needle scaler use?

Being an air tool, how well the air needle scaler performs depends on the air pressure it gets. Depending on the air pressure, the needles in the handheld tool will move at variable speeds to chip away at a surface. At the same time, it is crucial to note that the air pressure that the tool requires depends on the model of the tool. At Allinton, we offer a range of air needle scalers so that you can find the right tool for the project you have in mind. 

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